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Self-service terminal


Available services:

1. General information about the bank

2. Information about the services provided to individuals and legal entities

3. Exchange rates

4. Addresses of branches and locations of ATMs and self-service terminals

5. Payment for services of mobile operators

6. Payment of communication services, utilities, water, gas, electricity

7. Payment for services of Internet providers

8. Payment for services of cable television

9. Viewing account balance

10. Repayment of loan

11. Transfer of funds from one card account to another.



1) Self-service terminals (unless they are located on the premises of the bank) are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

2) Self-service terminals are “one window” for those who wish to pay for utilities, water, gas, electricity, communication services, etc.

3) Self-service terminals with Cash-In function allow to replenish deposits and make payments using cash without going to the bank cashier.

4) Most self-service terminals are able to “recognize” customers by their card and remember information once entered: name, address, telephone number. This significantly saves time.

5) Using self-service terminals does not require any special skills - you are only required to follow the instructions displayed on the screen.