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General Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy means treatment with cold. It comes from Greek words kryos – “cold” and therapya – “treatment”, and in the modern sense of the word it is a physical method of treatment and rehabilitation based on controlled exposure to cold. Cryotherapy offers you unforgettable experience, sensation of happiness, vitality and inner harmony. Cryotherapy is a unique method when it comes to its effect on the human body, and in the future might claim to be considered a panacea.

The cryotherapy procedure is quite interesting: a patient enters the cryosauna outwardly resembling a vertical tanning bed. During the procedure a patient talks to a healthcare worker, maintaining constant contact.

The medicinal effect is that the cold in the cryosauna stimulated protective systems of the organism. As a result, the organism mobilizes all of its resources to avoid excessive heat loss. It contributes to the improvement of peripheral circulation and microcirculation, which is followed by active release of adrenal and hypophyseal hormones. Therefore, cryotherapy serves as a sort of training of the organism without depletion of its own resources.

After the procedure increased production of endorphins and considerable increase in the number of red and white corpuscles is observed, therefore the procedure possesses general pain alleviating effect, boosts immunity and mood, improves sleep, reduces stress. Cold therapy is applied to treat such serious diseases as bronchial asthma, arthritis, arthrosis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, various types of allergies, burns, etc.

After the cold therapy “orange peel”, or cellulitis, disappears, skin becomes smooth, radiant and sanguine. It happens due to improvement of skin blood flow, stimulation of metabolic processes; consequently, cell renewal becomes faster.

Indications for general cryotherapy.

Treatment of cellulitis and excessive weight.


Atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis disseminata).

Comprehensive treatment of seborrhea, acne, rosacea.

Migraine, tension headache.

Pain syndromes (muscular, joint, after traumas, etc.)


Intervertebral disk disease.

Disk syndrome.

Rehabilitation after previous nervous disorders.

Bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic pneumonia.

Rehabilitation in case of chronic fatigue syndrome, withdrawal state. Prevention of cold-related diseases, support of sustainable homeostasis (stability of milieu interieur).

Rehabilitation after serious somatic, infectious and surgical disorders.


Counterindications for general cryotherapy.

Absolute counterindications:

acute decompensated states of internal organs and systems, serious chronic cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, urinary diseases in the exacerbation phase, evident pathology of arterial vessels – vasculitis, arterites, Raynaud disease, thromboembolic pathology of major vessels.

Relative counterindications:

chronic, frequently reoccurring niduses of self-limiting infection (chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, adnexitis, endometritis, etc.), acute infectious diseases (ARVI, flue, acute bronchitis, etc.), acute and chronic blood diseases.