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Mud Bath


The mud bath of the health resort is equipped with Velvet-2 body wrap systems. A peculiarity of this relaxation system is that lying on a mattress filled with warm water you practically don’t feel your own weight. During the procedure all muscle groups relax, load on the spine is relieved, stress-free atmosphere is created. Air-tight blanket provides better heat conservation, at the same time skin absorptivity increases, therefore application of various medicinal and cosmetic substances (wrapping) brings much better results.

Treatment with Saki muds mobilizes all defense and regeneration mechanisms of the organism. It improves the performance of systems and organs, various cellular structures, ferments, hormones, vitamins and all types of metabolism. According to medical statistics for a number of years, the efficiency of Saki muds is unequalled when it comes to treatment of neurological, urological, gynecological and many other disorders. Complex and versatile systemic action of therapeutic mud depends largely on its chemical structure: рН activity, volatile substances (hydrogen sulfide), ions of inorganic (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, ferrum, etc.) and organic compounds, microelements, bioactive substances such as sex hormone, vitamins, amino acids, lipids, etc.

Saki muds are applied to treat a wide range of disorders:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • central and peripheral nervous system diseases;
  • diseases of male genitalia;
  • gynecological disorders and almost all types of infertility;
  • ENT diseases;
  • dental diseases;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • enuresis;
  • consequences of intoxications and brain traumas

After a course of mud therapy the effect of health resort treatment doesn’t end, it lasts for one or one and a half months more. Health improves gradually, often in five or six weeks after treatment. The effect of a peloid procedure goes beyond the time of its performance. Peloid procedures have an aftereffect. Numerous and various physiological changes in the organism that take place during the procedure preserve their effect for some time after its end (up to 24 hours). The effect of every subsequent procedure adds to the effect of the previous one. After a course of treatment favorable shifts and changes sum up, and their effect is preserved.