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Radiowave lifting

RF lifting is a unique non-surgical procedure of facelift and skin tightening as well as an effective means of getting rid of excess fat and cellulite.

The procedure allows to:

  • reduce or eliminate wrinkles
  • reduce cellulite
  • tighten the skin (to adjust the contours of the face and remove stretch marks)
  • slow down the aging process in the skin. 


  • Rejuvenating and lifting effects, visual reduction of wrinkles after the first procedure.
  • Strengthening the rejuvenation effect during the course of the procedures in the next 6 months after the course
  • Long-term anti-aging effect due to the stimulation of active production of collagen in the dermis and connective tissue fibers of hypodermis
  • Reduction of skin aging, which is maintained up to 2-5 years
  • Reduction of cellulite and elimination of localized fat deposits
  • The procedure is compatible with other methods - photo rejuvenation, chemical peels, mesotherapy (but with proper respect for the recommendations). When used together, there is a mutual reinforcement effect.
  • The biggest advantage of this method of rejuvenation is that withdrawal syndrome will not take place (there’s no worsening of the skin condition after a while).


  • Fever
  • Acute respiratory and infectious diseases
  • Acute dermatological disease in the treated area (including herpes infection).
  • Increased responsiveness (sensitivity) of the skin
  • Autoimmune diseases, blood coagulation disorders
  • Tattoos or permanent make-up in the treatment area (RF-lifting promotes more rapid “wash-out” of pigment)
  • Any metal and / or electronic implants in the treated area. Exception - cermet denture (procedures are not counterindicated).
  • Deep vein thrombosis in treated areas (legs, hips).
  • (Suspected) oncology diseases.
  • Cardiovascular disease (decompensated form).
  • Uncontrolled endocrine disorders in the stage of decompensation (diabetes, thyroid disease).

Pregnancy and lactation (with caution