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Galvanic Bath

 Hydro galvanic treatment procedures are based on the application of useful properties of water and electric current that have the necessary physiological effect on the organism.

A four cell galvanic bath is based on the use of combined action of direct current and water of indifferent temperature (34-35°С). Galvanic current normalizes functional state of the central nervous system, stimulates blood and lymph circulation, dilates coronary vessels, increases functional capacities of the heart, stimulates endocrine glands, affects the excitability of neuromuscular apparatus. These are water electro procedures for limbs. During the procedure hands and/or feet are placed into the bath, and galvanic current is applied to the bath according to the doctor’s orders. Current strength and frequency are selected individually.

Four cell galvanic baths are applied to treat arthritis, polyarthritis, polyradiculoneuritis, plexitis, polyneuritis and arterial hypertension, neuroticism.