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Homepage → Treatment → Balneotherapy → 

Jet Duche (Charcot's Douche)


The device forms two massage water jets directed in an appropriate manner.

The jet (or Charcot's) douche is a high pressure douche. During the procedure a naked patient stands 3-4 meters apart from the shower unit and holds onto a hand rail. A water jet under pressure is directed to his/her feet, back, front and side surfaces of his/her body by turn from the bottom up.

Charcot's douche is applied to increase muscle tone and reduce the subcutaneous fat layer, treat vertebral osteochondrosis and primary osteoarthrosis of large joints, as part of combination therapy of neurosis, neurasthenic states, cardiopsychoneurosis, arterial hypertension of stage I - II, neurogenic impotence, insomnia, constipations, and as a method of physioprophylaxis.