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Homepage → Treatment → Balneotherapy → 

Whirlpool Bath for Lower Limbs


Hydromassage bath is applied for massaging lower limbs and perineal region.

It is applied when it comes to treating leg joints disorders, peripheral nervous system disorders, varicose veins in thighs and calves, hemorrhoids, or treating post-traumatic conditions, improving tissue tropism, increasing skin tightness.

Whirlpool bath for legs is one of the hydrotherapeutic procedures that is well suited for ripe-aged patients who cannot take immersion baths due to heart diseases and for medical reasons. Also the procedure is perfect in cases of the so called cold feet syndrome, during rehabilitation treatment after traumas (fractures, tendon ruptures), if a trauma was to a knee, calf, foot, and also in cases of joint disorders. A whirlpool bath is a massage performed under the water with water jets and whirlpools. Improves blood circulation in limbs and metabolism. Whirlpool baths are mostly locally applied (hand and foot baths). A special pump is used to create the circulatory motion of water, therefore the effect of a massage is achieved. A pleasant massage with stimulation of nerve endings in skin with water improves blood circulation in vessels of limbs, facilitates oxygen and nutrients delivery via widened vessels of limbs, and enhances skin nourishment, thereby preventing the formation of trophic ulcers.

A whirlpool bath is an excellent method to treat angiopathy of the lower limbs, pelvic organs diseases. It reduces pain syndrome in ankle, knee and hip joints, mitigates fatigue.

Counterindications:traumas and diseases of the musculoskeletal system at the acute period, Raynaud's disease, pneumatic hammer disease, thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers at the affected areas, gynecological disorders at the period of exacerbation.